Big Heart x The Venue


Our fourth Big Heart project is officially fresh off the press and already working hard to show off the incredible mission fueling The Venue.


This past quarter, our Freshly team put their creative heads together to find the best way to amplify The Venue’s work so that it resonates with their community.

We were able to do that by revisiting the one place that can take a brand’s story and tell it in a way that makes every person who finds them want to join in on their journey.

Any guesses of where that would be? Yup! You guessed it. It’s the home page of their website.

Our goal was to dive deep into The Venue’s mission and impact on their community and create a place they can call home while they continue to work towards building their own.

Here’s a little snapshot of the before

This was The Venue’s home page that landed on our desk before we hopped on to help, and it was a great starting place to build out their goals and vision.

But initially, we realized that one key ingredient was missing that would change the entire story they were telling for their mission and even the level of engagement they would get from the community.

And that was their why.

If you’ve been following along our journey, then you know we are firm believers that people don’t really care what you do, they care about WHY you do it.

So that is exactly where we started the moment our fingertips hit the keyboards. After spending time with their team, hearing their beautiful vision, and exactly where their hearts were, we were able to tell their story in a way that made every single visitor want to be a part of it. After a few tweaks, here is what we came up with.


Here is a snapshot of the after

For those of you who haven’t heard of The Venue, The facility will give all generations a place to find entertainment and inspiration in a world-class venue for performing and creating in Southern Alberta. With the land secured on 5th avenue and conceptual planning complete, we are ready to move into our next fundraising phase.

We invite you to take a moment to explore their new home page and see the power of Big Heart Grants in action.


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