Business Strategy Rooted in Empathy

We’re constantly tracking the performance of our work here at Freshly. Whether it's looking at how our custom-built strategies are giving our clients the best results or tracking our agency metrics to find what works best for the businesses we help.

What can we say? We’re a little obsessed with the numbers and analytics of every project we take on. Want to know why? Because that data answers the most important question we have:

is our work connecting with the humans on the other side of it?

Over the past few years, we’ve seen a HUGE shift in how people operate their businesses. We’re not just talking about the transition to carve out space online, the rise of SaaS (software-as-a-service) platforms that are making it easier to us to grow, or even the latest player in our virtual town, AI (artificial intelligence).

The biggest shift we’re seeing that is disrupting the standards for businesses in all industries is actually very…human.

it’s about feeling.

It’s about creating a human-centric business strategy for your customers. (And spoiler alert: this isn’t going anywhere.) The standards of the customers we serve have changed and we aren’t going backwards.

A business that is rooted empathy is a business designed to bring out the best in its customer.

While business and marketing strategies have focused on what differentiates their brand and positions their product above the rest, today, we have to do things differently.

And honestly? It’s a breath of fresh air to turn the focus away from our business and what makes us amazing to researching the very people we are trying to help and what makes them exceptional.

So if you are feeling the pressure on your bottom line these days, you may have forgotten the very reason you got into this business in the first place.

And that means it’s time to revisit your business strategy at a core level and find out how to create a customer-centric approach to everything you’re doing in your business.

So how do you rethink your entire strategy and intentionally weave in empathy?

You dive deep into your current business strategy and take a cold, hard look at the facts. Is all your focus going towards your bottom line or is it going towards finding meaningful waits to connect with your customer? That’s what an empathetic approach really comes down to. Are you focusing on your business, or are you focusing on your customer?

And no, they aren’t the same thing. Don’t worry. we’ll walk you through this.

Put your customer in the centre of your business.

And start listening to the people you are trying to help — actively.

Dive deeper into where they are today, what they need, what keeps them up at night, and how does your business make them feel?

Once you understand that, you can connect your products or services to those answers and address them head-on with a solution. This is what creates a connection.

And if you’ve read through this and realize you’re products or offers aren’t connecting to your customer’s pains, fears, and goals, then you need a new strategy because your ideal customer won’t be interested in working with you.

Here’s a glimpse at how feelings motivate & inspire a customer and ways your business strategy can help them reach their goals.

  • Your business strategy can help amplify just how special and unique your customer is and highlight how your offer helps them truly stand out.

  • Your business strategy can empathize with their feelings about the present, help them rewrite the narrative, and visualize a better future (with your offer).

  • Your business strategy can connect the feeling that they lack something and transform it into one where they feel like they can measure up to those expectations and finally thrive.

  • Your business reminds them or helps them see just how far they’ve come and gives them guidance on how far they can go. Your offer helps them redefine what success means for them.

  • Your company builds confidence and calms the anxiety that what they have today will be there tomorrow. And, more importantly, shows them that they can dream bigger.

When you look at your business through the lens of your customer, it will be the blueprint you need to evolve your business and find a strategy that is rooted in empathy.

If you need support in figuring out how to really connect your business strategy with your ideal customer, let us know right over here.


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